Membership & Membership Renewal
Membership is open to anyone from around the world with an interest in the Cheltenham cemeteries.
For just $A25.00* per annum, members receive a range of benefits. We also welcome organisations who wish to join.
To join, download a membership application form and return with your payment.

Member Payments and Donations
We welcome new memberships, membership renewals and donations which enable the Friends to achieve our aims. All payments and donations will be gratefully acknowledged.
You can make a deposit at your local Bendigo Bank. For Australian bank account holders, our account details are:
Bank: Bendigo Bank Limited
Account name: Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Account: 130896830
Take advantage of donating via PayPal - it's free and secure!
No PayPal account is required.
Renew on-line
Renew for three or more years and save! You don't need a PayPal account... And you don't need to return the membership renewal form... It's that easy!
Download a membership renewal form
Download a membership renewal form and either post with your cheque or money order (no cash) made out payable to "Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc."
Scan and email the form to Payment can be made by EFT to our Bendigo Bank account:
Bank: Bendigo Bank Limited
Account name: Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc.
BSB: 633-000
Account: 130896830