Our grave tours will educate,entertain, and elevate your mind with knowledge and interesting facts.
The Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc. was formed on 9 May 2007 after the amalgamation of the Brighton General Cemetery Trust with the Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Trust.
On 1 March 2010, the Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Trust was absorbed by Necropolis Springvale to form the Southern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust.
We are a not-for-profit community group comprising a team of dedicated volunteers who have a passion for the Cheltenham cemeteries.
The Friends of Cheltenham and Regional Cemeteries Inc. is an incorporated association affiliated with the Royal Historical Society of Victoria Inc., the South Eastern Historical Association Inc. and the Bayside Historical Network.
Download a copy of our information pamphlet [PDF-818KB] and learn more about the Friends.
Our grave tours will educate,entertain, and elevate your mind with knowledge and interesting facts.
Our research and tours are based on the regional cemeteries around Cheltenham.
Our research is based on volunteer service who helps us to locate graves and the information behind it.
Being a member let's you access person by person details on our research database, Receive the latest newsletter and access exclusive articles.
JoinAre you interested in helping The Friends of Cheltenham Regional Cemeteries group? We would love to hear from you. Maybe you would like to help us on tour days, greeting people, or helping out with our afternoon teas?
Are you a whizz with social media or a keen photographer, and you would like to further utilise your skills?
Maybe you have administration skills that you are happy to use. Or do you love the thrill of the chase, when it comes to researching many of the interesting people who are buried at both cemeteries? Or are you interested in military research, as there are many service personnel buried at Cheltenham cemeteries and the committee is currently attempting to put together a catalogue of all these gallant men and women?
If you are interested in helping the group, please come along and have a chat with any of us on the committee, we would be delighted to meet you. There is no pressure to be a committee member, we would just like to meet our members to encourage your involvement in your group – not to mention that we could use an extra pair of hands occasionally!
Frederick Horace Crafter 1891 – 1960 was a titanic survivor who was interred in Frederick was interred at Cheltenham Memorial Cemetery in Reserve Road
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